Melchior talks Crypto (codes & ciphers)

What is period cryptogtaphy? In the modern parlance 'crypto' is often confused with 'crypto-currency'. That's just what people are used to hearing about and that can be where the brain easily jumps to. When we talk about 'crypto' in a period context we're talking about the underlying science of securing messages for the purpose of confidentiality.

The practice of embedding one (covert) message within another (overt) goes back to at least 1900 BCE. Over the passing centuries secret codes and ciphers would be used to convey vital military instructions, raise and tear down kingdoms, facilitate torrid love affairs, commune with angles... and so much more. An abridged timeline, a highlight reel - if you like, is available ( HERE ).

This is a research topic that I am dedicating myself to because I find it to be facinating for both its technical and socio-political contributions to history. Thank you for visiting the site and I hope that you can find something that makes you say to yourself "well I'll be darned. How about that."